=== Easy Gravatars === Contributors: dougal Donate link: http://dougal.gunters.org/donate Tags: comments, gravatars, gravatar, avatars, avatar, images, personalization Requires at least: 2.0.4 Tested up to: 3.0-alpha Stable tag: 1.3 Add Gravatars to your comments without modifying any template files. Just activate, and you're done! == Description == This plugin allows you to automatically add Gravatars for commenters to your theme, if your theme does not already support them. According to the Gravatar.com website, Gravatars are Globally Recognized Avatars, or an "avatar image that follows you from weblog to weblog appearing beside your name when you comment on gravatar enabled sites." You register with the Gravatar server, and upload an image which you will use as your avatar. The gravatar image is keyed to your email address, so that it is unique to you. This plugin will display gravatars for the people who comment on your posts. You do not need to modify any of your template files -- just activate the plugin, and it will add gravatars to your comments template automatically. == Installation == Copy the easygravatars folder and its contents to your wp-content/plugins directory, then activate the plugin. The plugin will add a new Easy Gravatars section under the Options menu. There, you can configure the size and maximum rating of the gravatars that you wish to display. You can also set the location of a default image to display for users who have no gravatar (the default is a 1px transparent gif), you can tweak the CSS for the wrapper around the image, and you can select to attach the gravatar to either the comment author link, or the text of the comment. By default, the gravatar is floated to the right of the comment author's name, which should work well with most templates. == Frequently Asked Questions == = I have a Gravatar, but it doesn't appear = The Gravatar service allows you to register multiple email addresses. Make sure that the email address you use in your WordPress comments matches an email address registered on the Gravatar server. Also, check the rating of your gravatar versus the maximum allowed rating in the Easy Gravatar options. If your gravatar is rated 'R', but you set the maximum Easy Gravatar rating to 'PG', the image will be blocked. = Some people see Gravatars, but others don't = In some cases, there have been reports that Internet Explorer 6.0 does not display gravatars properly. This is probably due to CSS bugs in IE6. I will try to isolate this as time allows, but the best advice is for users to upgrade to IE7 (for security and better standards support), or to use another browser, like Firefox or Opera. = My comment author links disappear = You may have another plugin which is conflicting with Easy Gravatars. In particular, Joost de Valk's Google Analytics plugin version 1.3 also tried to modify the comment author link. Upgrade to version 1.4 or higher of his plugin, or select the "Comment Text" API hook in Easy Gravatar's Advanced Options. = Gravatars appear, but... = The placement of the Gravatars within your comments template is controlled by the `Span style` and `API hook` options. The gravatar is rendered as an image tag within a span, which is prepended to either the comment author information or the text of the comment, depending on the hook selected. The default options should work fine with most WordPress templates, but there's always the chance that a template with a complex layout might have a conflict. If simply changing the API hook selection doesn't give a result which is to your liking, you will need to modify the CSS in the span style. Sorry, but help with CSS styling is beyond the scope of this document. = Doesn't WordPress 2.5 have Gravatars built-in? Why do I need Easy Gravatars? = Yes, WordPress 2.5 added native support for Gravatars. However, older themes don't support them. If you are using a theme which doesn't already support adding Gravatars, you either need to modify the templates yourself, or use Easy Gravatars to add them automatically for you. == Credits == Based on a code snippet from Matt Mullenweg: http://photomatt.net/2007/10/20/gravatar-enabled/ http://pastebin.ca/743979 Props to David Potter for pointing out that Gravatar normalizes email addresses to lowercase before hashing with MD5: http://dpotter.net/Technical/index.php/2007/10/22/integrating-gravatar-support/ == Changelog == = 1.3 2010-01-14 = * Tested compatibility up to WordPress 3.0-a = 1.2 2008-03-06 = * When running under WordPress 2.5, use the built-in Gravatar image functions. = 1.1 2007-11-16 = * Gravatar images now link to comment author's URL, if provided. * Gravatar code now prepended to text instead of appended. * Code reorganized. Functions for filters and hooks are now near the actions that actually call them. * Added stylesheet for options page and improved layout. Split options into 'General' and 'Advanced'. * New advanced option for selecting either 'Comment Author Link' or 'Comment Text' API hook. = 1.0 = * Initial release.